Cheers! Gaming is Life.

Tenth Level Tavern is an arcade bar located in Oakland Park Florida and has been in operation since 2015. The bar is a staple in the city and especially in the video game community. They have some of the largest craft beer options in South Florida with thousands of gaming options. It is a place where you can be yourself. Game on Gamer.

Tenth Level Tavern never had a company sign outside its building. Being one of the first arcade bars in South Florida, the majority of their business came from word of mouth. As the years passed, the owner decided to place a TV on the window facing out towards the street. The only thing playing on the TV were video game related videos from YouTube. This wasn’t selling the full identity of the brand.

The Challenge

Illustration (Frame Defender / Adobe Stock) Animation



We had a meeting and I pitched the owner the idea of having a video looping that explained his core business, “Video Games and Craft Beer”. He agreed and we both worked together to come up with a killer concept. It had to be a Super Mario themed video with him as the hero element. The end result is exactly what we had in mind and has been helping to attract passers by.

The Solution


Continue the journey…